Sunday, June 27, 2010

My ideal job???

well a veterinarian can work in a lot things ... how in a zoo for example... would be great work there... with all kind of wild and exotic animal (canine, feline, camelids, etc.) one can wait anything... on the other hand in a zoo we are very necessary for the care of all kind of animals if they have some kind of disease for example or for to take all kind of medical exam when are necessary... and for this is very important that the zoo to have a clinic.. where the veterinarians can attend them, make surgeries and all that they need to make them.
and veterinary clinic must is properly equipped for the accomplishment of clinical procedures and of preventive medicine and this last would must contemplate the execution of clinical examinations and capture of samples for all the existing species... all this for appearance of infectious diseases.

Other thing that a zoo would must pay attention is in animal management... it be to charge of the setting of the enclosures, seeking to recreate the natural habitat of every species, using resources like trunks, vegetation, etc. and a lot other thing that are important for animal health...

It like me because a veterinarian must to be to charge of animals that are "unknown" for us and is very fun work with them.. confronting new challenges.
About the hours.. depend because i don't want work all day.. one also need rest like everyone else... and my boss... i hope that he or she will be nice awjkwjakkjaw... because is the worse to have a unpleasant boss...
well i don't know what more to say ...


Miss said...

well a veterinarian can work in a lot things ... WW how in a zoo for example... would be great work there... with all kind of wild and exotic animal (canine, feline, camelids, etc.) one can wait anything... on the other hand in a zoo we are very necessary for the care of all kind of animals if they have some kind of disease for example or for WF to take all kind of medical exam when are necessary... and for this is very important that the zoo to have a clinic.. WW where the veterinarians can attend them, make surgeries and all that they need to make them.
and veterinary clinic must is properly equipped for the accomplishment of clinical procedures and of preventive medicine and this last would must contemplate the execution of clinical examinations and capture of samples for all the existing species... all this for appearance of infectious diseases.

WW Other thing that a zoo would must pay attention is in animal management... it be to charge of the setting of the enclosures, seeking to recreate the natural habitat of every species, using resources like trunks, vegetation, etc. and a lot other thing that are important for animal health...

It WF like me because a veterinarian must WW to be to charge of animals that are "unknown" for us and is very fun work with them.. confronting new challenges.
About the hours.. depend because i don't want work all day.. one also need rest like everyone else... and my boss... i hope that he or she will be nice awjkwjakkjaw... because is the worse to have a unpleasant boss...
well i don't know what more to say ...

very good! well it depends on the boss right?
remember to write this as an essay, this means more structure, clear paragraphs and connectors ok?

javiera.fuentes said...

good luck
maybe i change my idea about my future work
nobody knows what we where doing in 6 years more

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