Sunday, June 6, 2010

an interesting link for us... Students of vet.

I found a page... that I liked... teach all about of what should one to do when want a puppy... of your cat or dog that they are pet that all world have or are more common... also give us information of other pets as rabbits, hamsters, turtles and other that are not so common...
there is a link... well really have it a lot links, but there is one that say us what and when to vaccinate to your dog or cats, teach about behavior, about puppy...even someone can publish if want sell a dog or other animal that you have or to find it a mate for that they have puppies, etc..
it page liked me because teach and delivery us information about what care we must have for our pets and other thing too that are very useful for one if we want to our pets...
to all this the page is for that you see it.. It’s very good and educational for us that we are studying veterinary medicine... I hope that like you.... mmm... also it have links of other related pages... for if you want see it.



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